Sunday, 20 September 2015

Autumnal Make-up look & Hair style

 Autumn is here!!! Autumn has to be my favorite season of the year, it is a warm cosy season where you can snuggle up on the sofa with a nice fluffy blanket, drinking hot chocolates with beautiful scented candles all over the place!! Ohh heaven!
I decided to do an Autumnal inspired make-up and hair look, this make-up probably isn't as dark as I would usually go for in Autumn but that is because I wanted to create a look that a lot of people would be comfortable with trying out, and I know that dark eyes and lips are not for everyone! I will be doing another Autumnal look which is a bit darker for those of you who are feeling a bit more daring.
I have also gone with a nice, simple and easy up do for my hairstyle I love plaits in the autumn I think they just suit the season, if that makes any sense at all!


Products used:
Revolution - Ultra base corrector palette
Rimmel London - Lasting finish foundation
Collection - Lasting perfection concealer
Revolution - Vivid baked highlighter
Revolution - Bronze simmer highlight bronzer
Make-up Academy - Baked bronze bronzer
Revolution - Focus & Fix eyebrow kit
Revolution - Unicorns Unite eyeshadow palette
Revolution - Just Me eyeshadow
Maybelline Ney York - Master precise eyeliner
Revolution - Awesome lash mascara
Revolution - Ultra velour lip creme - Say yes, it's what we do best
Make-up academy - E1, E2, E3 eyeshadow brushes
Real Techniques - Domed shadow brush & Multi task brush

I hope you have enjoyed this Make-up and Hair inspiration post for Autumn, if you recreate this look be sure to tag me on instagram or twitter.

Talk soon x

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