Thursday, 12 November 2015

Homemade Pizza

Last weekend I went to visit my Best friend Charlotte and her boyfriend Jonathan at their uni, and we had the funniest weekend ever, I really have missed this girl A LOT!!! For dinner we decided to make our own pizza, we thought it would be a bit of fun and pizza is always yummy!!
We popped out to the shops and bought a lot of different toppings and we also bought dough making kits, cause we are lazy! It went really well, for some of us... 

I feel like cheese is the most important ingredient when making pizza, so we decided on cheddar and mozzarella, I love mozzarella and what we didn't use me and charlotte just ate!!

We also bought a good selection of veg, we had red onion, sweet peppers, chives, garlic and pineapple.

(This is actually a picture from Charlottes snapchat but it's proof that we did kind of "make" the dough, we added water and I mixed it all together to form a dough!!)

Once the dough was at a good consistency I split it up into three 'equal' balls and then the fun started!!

Jonathan decided to go for a THICK crust...

Once we had shaped our dough we then smothered our bases in tomato puree.

I feel like my creation is very colorful and just looks damn yummy!!

Charlotte went for a rustic homemade look staying away from the typical pizza circle!! She also spend about half an hour (not really that long) carefully placing each topping on her pizza, so in the end I helped her and threw stuff on.

They tasted sooo good!!! Im getting hungry writing this post but ohh my I want that pizza right now!
Both me and charlotte just went for a bit of everything, but I didn't use any ham.

Maybe avoid THICK crust otherwise you end up like poor Jonathan here, un-patiently waiting for his dough to cook!!

Finally Jonathans' was ready, after a loooonnngggg wait! He had gone for a Ham and pineapple pizza with some seriously thick crust!

I will defiantly be doing this again and maybe even venturing out a bit more and trying out some different ways! I hope you have enjoyed this post and it hasn't made you too hungry. I am going to go and eat now.

Talk soon x