I am going away in one week!! AHHH Super excited!! I will be going to Tunisia for 12 days, this holiday is so needed when life gets just a bit to stressful some relaxing time away is what is needed. I am going to try and Blog while out there but I have no idea what the internet at our hotel will be like, however when I get home I will definitely be sure to share my holiday pics with you guys!
So anyway lets get to the point of this blog, My holiday essentials...
First of all the most important thing is Sun protection! If you are going somewhere hot this is an essential, you don't want to burn on your holiday because that will ruin your whole trip. Depending on your skin and how it deals with the wonderful sun you need to decide what factor to go for, I am going away with my boyfriend and he has never been on holiday before apart from skiing so we have got spf 50 for him to start off the holiday with, I know that so many people don't want to use a high factor because they want to tan but as we have done you can get lower factors as well and slowly ease your skin into getting use to the sun and lowering the factor each day and gradually build up that tan. You DO NOT want to get Sun stroke or Burn you will have to stay inside for the rest of your holiday and no one wants that!
A good Sun protection for me is Reimann P20.
Next would be plenty of bikinis/swim wear on holiday you will probably be wearing this most of the time and you don't want to feel like you are wearing the same thing all the time, so invest in so new pretty swim wear, I know it can get expensive when you buy a whole bulk of swim wear but it doesn't have to be. Here are a few of mine hopefully they can help with finding some lovely swim wear of your own and at a good price.
This bikini is from New Look:
Top - £3.99
Bottoms - £3.99
I love this simple triangle style bikini and the one block colour, sometimes less is more, and for £7.98 for the set is a bargain if you ask me. I always like to have the matching sets but I know some people like to mix and match their tops and bottoms if you do this then pop over to New Look and check out their sale rail because they have loads of odd tops and bottoms for a real cheap price.
This bikini is from TKMax:
Set - £9.99
What I like most about this one is the pop of colour and the clash of pink and orange, also the shape of this bikini is a good one for tanning you shouldn't get too many odd tan lines (this is a big thing for me when purchasing bikinis).
Top - £6
Bottoms - £4
£10 for this set is a reasonable price I feel its a lovely bright and funky bikini and has some cool strap business going on in the middle of the top and on the sides of the bottoms. Good old Primark!
Top - £8
Bottoms - £4
This bikini is a fraction more expensive at £12 for the set but I absolutely fell in love with the colours and the detailing in this bikini so I just couldn't resist! Primark have got so many gorgeous bikinis in at the moment I would definitely go in and take a wonder.
However take note guys that although Primark is "The cheap place to shop" the bikinis I had purchased from primark were actually more pricy than the ones from New Look and TKMax so it's good to look around.
Top - £45
Bottoms - £30
I know I KNOW!! I said I would show you some reasonably prices bikinis and with this set totaling up to a WHOOPING £75 it is far from reasonable, however, you are aloud to treat yourself every now and then and this bikini is BEAUTIFUL so I had to purchase it, but all my other bikinis are very pretty and summery and it goes to show that you don't necessarily need to spluge to get yourself some nice swim wear. (But this is perfect and if you are able to spent a bit of money on some swim wear I would recommend VS because they do have a wonderful range).
Next essential guys in Sunglasses, got to protect those lovely little eyes.
I have only purchased two pairs of sunglasses at the moment and will probably invest in another pair or two but these are so cute and seriously cheap sun glasses...
These little cuties are from Primarni for £1 each YES £1 EACH, they are cute and colorful and they protect your eyes and thats all you need!
I no longer really spend very much on sunglasses, maybe it's just my bad luck but I have in the past 2-3 years bought 2 pairs of River island glasses, 3 pairs of Lipsy London glasses and 1 pair of Ray Bans and all of them have broken!! Not a single pair lasted more than one summer, so I have come to the conclusion that buying expensive sunnys is a waste of money I would much rather break a £1 pair of glasses.
Next on the list of essentials is sandals/flip flops, I have bought many many sandals for my holiday so I am just going to show you two of my cheapest pairs (Guess what?! They are from primark!)
I think the sandals are gorgeous, and I can not remember the exact price for each pair but sandals from primark are normally around £4-£8 which is pretty cheap. The ones on the left side are a lovely teal/green and I think this colour is a perfect summer colour I also fell in love with the rose gold details and the rose gold around the toes, I always scuff the front of my sandals, you know when you do that little trip, so I thought that this was a brilliant design. The ones on the right side are just beautiful I had a pair like these last summer and wore them constantly so I had to repurchase them this year (one thing is I could get funny tan lines on my feet with these).
Next up is my holiday clothing essentials whoo, I have tried to include one of each type of item I would be taking abroad with me, and most of them are reasonably prices nothing to expensive this time I promise!
Playsuits are a must have for me when I go on holiday, they are nice and easy to just throw on over the top of your bikini and if you are in a hot country they are nice and thin so you can keep cool.
I bought all of these from Boohoo.com I bought these back at the end of last summer which is a brilliant time to purchase summer stuff because they will normally be on sale and these were all £4-£5 each which is a bargain.
My next item of clothing is this dress which I got from Primark for £10, this is such a good price for such a beautiful dress, it is quiet clingy and really shows off your figure but it is a silky type of material and isn't too tight so this will be perfect in the heat. I have also worn this dress to a family party and got a few compliments on how pretty it was and my cousin is also planning on going to purchase it herself so this was a good buy if I do say so myself.

To the left - This kimono is a perfect item of clothing for a hot holiday, it is a gorgeous throw on and when you are maybe going to be walking about for a long time in the sun it can get pretty hot and just throwing something like this on can get the sun directly off your skin but you're not wrapped up. £15 New Look
To the right - Crochet is another huge thing in fashion at the moment and I love it, you can stay nice and cool because it has holes all over it, isn't to heavy to wear and it just looks great! £10 Primark
I spent ages trying to find a pair of these trousers that suited me, I looked in several shops and tried on so many pairs but none of them hung right on me or the pattern wasn't to my liking but I love the floral pattern on these its not to much and is easy to match with some pink tops and they hang just how I want them to, lose but still almost fitted so they don't just drown me.
I absolutely love the flowers on these they are all bright and beautiful and scream summer to me! I bought these from New Look on sale for £8 but I have no idea what the original price of them is.
Next and last holiday essential for me is some good books, I will never go on holiday without a book they are good to have for the plane journey and just to relax by the pool or on the beach and read a book to me is just perfect. So here are a few of my favorite books at the moment...
Looking for Alaska - John Green
Will Grayson, Will Grayson - John Green
Paper Towns - John Green
The Fault In Our Stars - John Green
If I Stay - Gayle Forman
Where she went - Gayle Forman
Girl Online - Zoe Sugg
The pointless book - Alfie Deyes
The pointless book 2 - Alfie Deyes

Yeah as you may be able to tell I'm a huge John Green fan!
This has been a really fun blog to write, I know it has been a very long blog but I wanted to try and include something that everyone would find an interest in. I hope this has helped you in some way maybe with what shops are best to go to for holiday clothing or even just some good books to read this summer. Why don't you guys leave a comment letting me know what your holiday essentials are!!
Talk soon x